Diversity and inclusion
Diversity and inclusion Statement
Diversity is a part of our collective richness and is celebrated within our dojo. We will strengthen our commitment to inclusion, equality and equity. We strive to ensure that the perspectives of all participants' sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age, sexual orientation, disability, language and gender identity, are equally celebrated and visible. We are committed to celebrating intersectionality and to challenging the multiple discriminations that some people face within society. All members of our dojo are asked to adhere to the principles of equality, equity, diversity and anti-discrimination.
We support Sport England's aims to increase participation in sport and physical activity for Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups and commit to closing the race gap within martial arts.
We are committed to the values of VillageDojo.com in welcoming celebrating the contribution of LGBGTQI+ people to our dojo.
Women and girls are under represented in the senior ranks in martial arts. We will endeavour to increase participation, challenge macho attitudes that can make people feel excluded and teach techniques that enable all students to succeed.
One in five people in England have a long-standing limiting disability or illness. Disabled people are almost twice as likely to be physically inactive (43%), compared with those without a disability (23%). We commit to making all of our classes as accessible as possible and to celebrating physical difference, learning differences, communication differences and neurodiversity.
There is no upper age limit in martial arts. We support AgeUK in encouraging older adults to engage in physical activity and all the physical, emotional and social benefits it offers.
We will continue to learn and engage with organisations that represent different sections of society to improve our shared knowledge and to ensure that martial arts are accessible to all people.
We want everyone to be welcome and safe within our dojo and we will do all we can to achieve that aim.